Oyen Wiggs leverages Sortify.tm Attorney to overcome high volume of reclassifications in Canada

When Canada’s trademark law changed in June 2019, Oyen Wiggs was confronted with the daunting task of handling the reclassification of thousands of existing trademarks that they administer. 

Jennifer A. Marles, partner, recognized that Oyen Wiggs needed to find software to streamline this task. “We really needed something that could help us classify quickly,” she says. 

Oyen Wiggs first heard about Sortify.tm through their local patent and trademark agent’s chapter. After seeing a product demonstration, they knew without a doubt that Sortify.tm Attorney was the solution they needed to overcome the reclassification challenge they were facing.

The intelligence of Sortify.tm’s software allows trademark lawyers and their teams to carry out everyday tasks smarter and faster across all stages of the trademark process - pre-filing, filing, examination, registration and reclassification. 

We caught up with Jennifer to find out how Sortify.tm Attorney is working for them and asked her to share the results and the effects it has had on the productivity and morale in their firm.

“In terms of managing the client and managing the workload, I think it's got a very high return,” she said.

Case study

When we asked, “What's one thing you'd want someone who's considering getting on board with Sortify.tm Attorney to know?”, Jennifer answered: “Be open minded about how much it might help you.”


Change your game with AI-powered trademark software


Sortify.tm announces Gowling WLG as new client