The new face of - have you seen it?
At, we’re constantly thinking about ways to help our customers do what they do better. And when our users asked us to help them find the right tools for the right tasks, we listened.
Our innovative productivity suite, Attorney has a new workflow and fresh look. Think of it as your new homepage.
Here’s a quick preview of the new interface – get your first look at it now:

This upgrade will make your day-to-day trademark tasks easier and more efficient, by giving you the right tools at each stage of the process.
The new dashboard isn’t just a Attorney menu - it’s your one-stop-shop for all of your day to day trademark activities:
Take a close-up look at the new workboard. It’s aligned with your trademark workflow.
You can now more easily find the tools you need for each task, at each stage in the process. Tools for tasks like pre-filing, filing, examination and registration are all in one place. Attorney is the “Swiss army knife” for all your trademark activities.
The handy Quick Search functions on the dashboard enable you to find classes as well as goods and services at lightning speed.
The Bookmarks feature also adds efficiency. You can keep up to 12 bookmarks that you use frequently, related to your trademark activities at your fingertips. This frees your browser’s bookmarks bar for other links. No matter what device or browser you use to login, everything you need for trademarks will be right there on your dashboard.
For your convenience, you can still find the Old Tools on the dashboard, so that you aren’t frustrated while you transition to the new look. There is also a Newsfeed, to keep key information in your main workspace.
Once you are familiar with it, you’re sure to do what many of our clients have done: set the dashboard as your homepage so that you are more organized. You will have everything you need at your fingertips at each step of the trademark process.
If you haven’t yet experienced the seamless efficiency that Attorney can bring to your trademark tasks, contact us now to schedule a demo.
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